The article is devoted to the study of ecological and economic consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The main factors influencing the economy and ecology of Ukraine during the war against Russia are analyzed and systematized. The article gives an example of foreign experience of environmental and economic impact on the state and the world during hostilities. The impact of building and maintaining military forces on resource consumption is analyzed and described. The facts of ecological crimes of the occupying forces on the territory of Ukraine and their consequences in the long run are studied. The main factors influencing the environmental situation during the war are identified. The key possible consequences for the economy of Ukraine are described. Data on the number of damaged housing and other infrastructure, statistics on the number of enterprises that have currently stopped their work. It is important that in the long run this war can have a huge negative impact on the environment not only in Ukraine but also in the world as a whole. The war is actively affecting Ukraine's economy, primarily inflation, and an efficient economy provides an effective fight against the occupying forces, so due to the large number of companies that have stopped their activities, it is necessary to work twice as hard for surviving companies. Also important is the fact that a large number of people remained unemployed. The war has affected the economy and the environment and continues to do so every day. In total, about two thirds of Ukraine's annual merchandise exports are under threat due to logistics. In addition, the supply chains of production components were broken – fabrics, accessories, microchips, dyes, components for production lines, etc. due to the destruction of logistics or the position of contractors who do not want to take risks. This phenomenon is not total, but it is present. The overall result was the loss of jobs and income for Ukrainians. So far, citizens are saved by savings, but this resource will decrease every day. Accordingly, the domestic demand necessary for the normal functioning of the economy will decrease. Accurate estimates of this decline cannot be given at present, but it will obviously be at least a third of the pre-war level. Such a reduction is transformed into a corresponding fall in the country's GDP.
Economic impact of war – Economics Help. Economics Help. URL:
How does war damage the environment? CEOBS. URL:
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