Keywords: quality of life, employment, labor market, human development, rural population


The article investigates the current state and prospects for improving the quality of life of the rural population of Ukraine. The relevance of this topic is due to the low level and quality of life of the rural population. The aim of the article is analytical assesment of the actual quality of life of the rural population and identify measures aimed at reducing the gap in the quality of life in rural areas and cities. Due to the complexity and scale of this category, the assessment of the quality of life of the rural population is reduced to the analysis of trends in statistical indicators that reflect material well-being, demographic development, labor market and employment and others. It is established that the problem of lagging behind the quality of life of the population of rural areas has global and European nature. In Ukraine, this problem is even more acute, as it is complicated by the totally low standard of living of the entire population. The low quality of life of the rural population is confirmed by such indicators as: lower levels of employment and economic activity, lower levels of income, including wages, higher food costs, greater poverty, limited access to health care, poorer self-esteem wealth and health compared to the city. Negative tendencies can be traced in almost all studied indicators. The consequences of such trends have been the deterioration of the demographic situation, which is reflected in declining birth rates, rising mortality rates, lower life expectancy and unfavorable migration processes in rural areas, which lead to a steady decline in the number of peasants. Relevant measures of improving of the quality of life of the rural population of Ukraine should be to ensure employment of the rural population, increase its income, ensure the targeting and flexibility of social protection of vulnerable groups of population, improve living and working conditions in rural areas and others. Important, in this context, is the revival of the Ukrainian countryside on a qualitatively new, innovative basis. This will be the subject of our further scientific work and research.


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