Keywords: investments, trade, EU, China, risks, advantages, strategic partnership


The article examines the problems of trade relations between China and the European Union. The volume of trade between these countries in the dynamics is analyzed. Today, China is a trading partner for the EU №1. The reasons for the development of international trade between China and the EU are analyzed. This is primarily a multi-vector trade strategy and the desire to reduce US influence. For many EU countries with strong economies, the Chinese market is becoming one of the most promising areas of domestic exports in the crisis in the euro area. This allows maintaining the high economic dynamics of the EU. Strengthening EU-China economic contacts is not accompanied by a deepening of the EU-China strategic partnership in the political sphere. The EU and China have different meanings in the content of such a partnership. There are significant political differences between the EU and China (from the EU embargo on arms and military equipment to China and Europeans' claims to human rights in China, to some differences with some EU members, such as Taiwan). EU policy towards China is determined by economic interests, especially in the field of trade and investment, so some countries play a more prominent role in this process than others. The EU, and Germany in particular, continue to see the potential benefits of China's economic growth. Trade disputes between partners are quite difficult at times. Factors that may hinder the development of this type of international relations have been identified. These issues include differences in market access, growing Chinese competition, EU policy towards China, the EU's pursuit of strategic autonomy, tools for China, risky strategy and developed transatlantic cooperation. EU-China trade is booming today. Knowledge of the development trends of this trade will allow to determine the directions of international logistics flows and thus be actively involved in international trade. China is becoming an active trading partner for countries around the world, and against the background of these trends, Ukraine's favorable geographical location will provide a significant economic effect.


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How to Cite
Chernyaeva, A. (2022). EU AND CHINA: DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE VISIONS. Economy and Society, (37).