Keywords: cost controlling, tools, methods, limited resources, domestic enterprises


The article is devoted to topical issues of essence and tasks of cost control as a component of the company 's financial controlling system. Features of introduction and application of the basic methods of controlling of expenses at the domestic enterprises in the conditions of limited resources (both material, and financial and intellectual) are covered. Modern business conditions for domestic enterprises are characterized by complexity, limited resources, changing environment, increased risks and increased competition, due to the rapid pace of scientific and technological progress around the world. All these factors force the enterprises of Ukraine to increase the efficiency of activity management, which would allow not only to timely adapt to changing environmental conditions, but also to ensure the stable development of the enterprise. Costs are characterized by separate classification features and the necessity of controlling costs under changing management conditions is substantiated. The purpose of cost management is to reduce or optimize the cost of manufacturing products and increase the profitability of the enterprise. One of the most important prerequisites for the introduction of controlling in enterprises is a thorough study and improvement of the existing system of operational controlling indicators. It is the basis of operational control activities of the enterprise and helps to regulate the processes of the enterprise. The authors substantiate the need to introduce cost controlling at a domestic enterprise to increase the efficiency of its activities based on the use of modern tools and approaches to minimize costs in modern conditions. Performance indicators of the enterprise with the use of modern forecasting tools are predicted.


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How to Cite
Korbutiak, A., & Sokrovolska, N. (2022). MODERN COST CONTROL TOOLS IN CONDITIONS OF LIMITED RESOURCES. Economy and Society, (37).