Given the limited and high cost of borrowed funds, in times of crisis in the economy there is a growing need for effective working capital management policy as an important factor in maintaining the liquidity of the enterprise. Many scholars pay attention to capital management, the issue of analysis in the first stage is insufficiently studied. If we are talking about a pre-existing company, it is important to focus on the analysis of working capital. Depending on the goal of the owners, you need to build a management scheme. When it comes to working capital management, it is important to take into account two main goals: an acceptable level of liquidity and risk. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation and use of working capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine. This analysis needs to be conducted constantly, due to the impact of unforeseen crises and increased competition in the market. It is established that the main source of asset financing is the enterprise's current liabilities and provisions, i.e. companies adhere to a predominantly aggressive financial policy. The structure of current assets of industrial enterprises of Ukraine and the PJSC Odeskabel Plant industrial enterprise has been analyzed. The liquidity indicators of this enterprise for the period 2016-2020 are calculated. It is established that during this period the enterprise did not have enough working capital. The analysis of the working capital turnover has been made. The current and general liquidity trend line has been built. The forecast and desired liquidity ratios of the enterprise's assets have been determined. It was found that it is necessary to review the existing financial policy of the aforementioned enterprise. It is proposed to diversify production for increase in sales revenue. The article analyzes the formation and use of working capital, which can be considered not only in the activities of industrial enterprises. An approach to determining the forecast and desired values of liquidity ratios is presented. Working capital management is a continuous process based on the analysis of working capital efficiency indicators, as it is important for the liquidity and profitability of enterprises.
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