Keywords: charisma, charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, success, authority


The article deals with the phenomenon of charismatic leadership. Various definitions of the studied concept are represented. The fact of the existence of terminological mosaic and the lack of universal scientific approach to the study of the interdisciplinary phenomenon of "charismatic leadership" is stated. The set of dominants that together form the universal "core" of a charismatic leader is presented: success, which can be both a cause and a consequence of the realization of personal potential; possession of power, which makes it possible to influence the environment; the presence of original mentality, revealed through anti-stereotypes, uniqueness and originality, innovative lifestyle. The theory of transformational leadership is distinguished, which is based on a behavioral approach and is characterized by methodological development. Emphasis is placed on the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon of charismatic leadership, which is not divided into autonomous elements. Since the charismatic qualities of a leader are manifested primarily on an emotional level, the fact that this phenomenon belongs mainly not to the rational sphere with the paradigm of "homo economicus", but to the modern scientific mainstream: behavioral economics, is proved. The focus is also on the negative aspects of charismatic leadership: manipulation, pseudo-charisma, high probability of usurpation of power. The publication attempts to solve a key problem: the charismatic characteristics of a leader are inherent in him exclusively from birth, is it possible to acquire them in the process of personal development? The author's approach is given: the presence of natural charismatic talents in a leader is a mandatory but insufficient condition; full self-realization of a charismatic person is subject to evolutionary adjustment through the synthesis of innate and acquired leadership qualities. That is, charisma is identified both as a natural quality and as acquired.


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