Keywords: economic security of the state, system, self-organization, nature-like management, fractal-cluster approach, cenological approach, phyllotaxis model


The system of economic security of the state from the point of view of the transdisciplinary approach and the theory of structural harmony of systems according to which the system of economic security of the state can be presented in the form of set of interconnected invariants and variations is considered. The economic security management system is considered in the evolution of the management system, namely natural management and its tools: cenological approach, fractal-cluster approach, methodology for designing a stable economic security system of the state on the basis of the law of measure – the law of proportional distribution based on mathematical constants, a recurrent series of golden sections and their derivatives. To diagnose the state of economic cenoses (as well as other types of formations) on the subject of "norm-pathology" are used H-distribution by BI Kudrin. In addition, according to the author – the diagnosis of "norm – pathology" can be performed using a recurrent series of golden sections – where the nodes of the measure characterize the norm and anti-nodes – pathology. In continuation of the replenishment of the set of tools of the methodology of nature management should be presented the discovery of VP Burdakov and VT Volov, according to it, in any complex-organized system as an organism, regardless of its subject specifics – technical-technological, biological or social – the internal load of resource life processes is self-similar, has a fractal nature, being based on the invariant of the golden ratio. Phyllotaxis model as model of natural and biogenetic management. is the least studied and most interesting from a methodological point of view. Using of the principles of nature management for development of the methodological approach creates opportunities to design resistant to change and crisis disturbances of the economic security of the state and justify the correct choice of vector for evolutionary models of nature management in change. The phyllotaxis model gives us the laws of dynamic formation. This approach is called system-dynamic. Its main characteristic is such a manifestation of self-organization as the self-reproduction of the cycle. It has as a mathematical software generalized golden sections, which systematically link the organization and disorganization, chaos and order in the structure and dynamic change of complex systems. We can say that the problem of phyllotaxis appears before modern researchers not as a specific mathematical, biological, physical, chemical, crystallographic, etc., but as predominantly – methodological.


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