The financial system is the basis of the functioning of each country. The well-being of the country, the level of its competitive position at the international level and economic growth in general depend on the quality of its formation and directions of functioning. Creating a perfect financial system of the state is one of the main conditions for the functioning of the economy under any conditions. The financial system is quite complex in its structure. With the help of the financial system, the state accumulates and uses resources to maintain its apparatus, as well as directs them to perform their functions during the war. Finding the most effective approaches to the formation of an effective financial system based on the analysis of the functioning of the financial system in the country during martial law is an important task in the constant variability of external and internal environments currently occurring in the economy. Ukraine's financial system has extensive experience, is a historically formed, complex and interesting economic category. A stable and efficient financial system, which is trusted by citizens and businesses, is a necessary condition for economic development. The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze the peculiarities of the functioning of the financial system during martial law. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the financial system of Ukraine in wartime, highlighting the problems and factors that affect the imperfection of the financial system under the conditions and analysis of its work during the war. The main tasks are to consider changes in budget and tax legislation, the peculiarities of foreign exchange transactions during the war, the work of the insurance market and the financial policy of the National Bank of Ukraine in wartime. The components of the financial system are considered, the elements of the financial system of Ukraine are analyzed, the search and consideration of the negative impact on certain areas and the main approaches to reforming the financial system during martial law.
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