Keywords: inclusive development, social and labor inclusion, labor market, employment, social protection


The article is devoted to the consideration of inclusiveness as a paradigm of economic development and substantiation of the need to consider such a category as social and labor inclusion. The role and importance of social and labor inclusion is due to the exacerbation of problems in global and national labor markets. The main problems are informal employment, rising unemployment, especially among high-risk categories, the formation of the NEET category, the presence of the working poor, the focus of employers on cheap labor, precariat, gender imbalances in wages, weakening the sensitivity between economic growth and employment. In this regard, the theoretical provisions of this category are determined. Social and labor inclusion is seen as an institution aimed at institutionalizing the external effects of social interaction between public authorities and the population by stimulating formal employment by strengthening the interdependence between social contributions and social protection, access to social infrastructure. Despite significant developments in the field of inclusive development, increasing the opportunities for the realization of labor potential in productive employment remains an urgent issue. This forms social and labor inclusion. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the role and essence of social and labor inclusion in the context of inclusive economic development to increase the sensitivity of the relationship between economic development and employment to improve social quality. In the system of improving the quality of the institute of social and labor inclusion it is necessary to strengthen the dependence between economic growth and productive employment, between labor contributions and social security, to remove barriers to entry into the labor market of different categories of the population, to develop personal responsibility. A society in which people have equal access to productive work and employment, taking into account their characteristics, is an inclusive society, which is what national policy should be aimed at. The quality of the institute of social and labor inclusion is determined not only by the essence and content, but also by the effectiveness of informing the established norms and rules.


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How to Cite
Perehudova, T. (2022). SOCIO-LABOR INCLUSION: THEORETICAL BASIS OF DEFINITION. Economy and Society, (37).