An important component of business policy in modern realities is the in the system of economic security of the enterprise personnel security plays a role, as it is work with staff, personnel, and they are primary in any organization. That is why more is needed pay attention to the organizational support of the personnel system security, which is seen as a process of preventing negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise due to the risks and threats associated with staff, its intellectual potential and labor relations in general. There is justified the relevance of the study of the concept of "human resource’ security" in the work. There are considered the main approaches to the definition of human resource’ security. Personnel security is the subsystem of enterprise's economic security and one of major factors of safety of all spheres of it activity have been found out. The views of experts in various fields of science on the interpretation and content of the concepts of staff reliability and personnel security are summarized. Enterprise's personnel security is a continuous process of prevention of external and internal influences complex on enterprise's economic security by a decline or removal of various risks and threats, related to the personnel management, it professional and personal qualities, by social and labour relations, have been determined. The advantages of a well-organized system of personnel safety are described, a list of measures necessary to retain the best personnel in the enterprise and increase the attractiveness of the enterprise is listed. Task of personnel security, external and internal threats, related to the enterprise's personnel have been defined. The measures for building this system are listed, examples of elements of personnel safety systems of large companies are given. Methods are proposed for implementing a personnel safety system under conditions in which there are no resources to create a personnel safety department. Recommendations are proposed to ensure human resource’ security at the stages of hiring, direct activities and the human resource release, with application of modern human resource technologies.
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