The article is devoted to the consideration of the essence and classification of public services in the conditions of service-oriented development of the state. The concept of "public service", "public service" is analyzed and systematized. The production of public services, which are used to meet socially significant needs and interests in the management of the development of the service state, has been studied. It is studied that the implementation of public services in a democratic political regime depends on the dominance of the state over civil society and business, as well as cooperation between them, and the dominant position of the state in this context is characterized by weak civil society and low welfare. The typology of public services, which in our opinion, is the most successful. It should be noted that public services in Ukraine were considered in the practice of domestic state-building in the implementation of important social reforms: administrative, administrative-territorial, municipal, budget, and so on. The reform process is not fully completed, so there is some inconsistency in the regulatory framework of modern Ukrainian society, including the provision of a range of services by the state. Optimization of the provision of public services is the basis of the service state, ie the state that serves not its own but public (public) interests. Analyzing the system of powers of public authorities at different levels of the state, it is necessary to indicate their focus on the needs of society and citizens as clients, which indicates changes in the functioning of social services on the principle of citizen orientation as a client. The provision of various types of services should be clearly defined in the process of administrative reform, as it is one of the main forms of relations between citizens, organizations and government, in which the state acts as a service provider. Thus, the level and initiation of civil society development, as well as the constitutional and legal status of territorial communities and their associations, their independence in particular, in our opinion, actualize the distribution of public and public services as typical and generic concepts.
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