The article determined that the positive dynamics in the agricultural sector of the economy was achieved through the intensification of public policy, which, in addition to implementing domestic legislation in accordance with European and international standards, aims to create organizational, legal and economic conditions for farming, improving land management. Analysis of the current state of the agricultural sector confirms the exhaustion of reserves of the current model of its development, based on economies of scale and extensive methods of resource use. It is substantiated and proved that the decisive role in the further development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine belongs to the formation and development of strategic components of the institutional mechanism of such development. Inefficient institutional environment and lack of a unified strategy for its formation does not contribute to the stable development of Ukraine's agricultural sector. The complexity and interdependence of the problems of functioning of strategic components of the institutional mechanism is highlighted. It is generalized that the formation of the system of components of the institutional mechanism of agricultural sector development should be aimed at creating a favorable institutional environment to achieve the priorities of agricultural sector development. The basis for the formation and implementation of institutional directions for the development of the agricultural sector should be well-established subjective interaction. It is proposed to improve the institutional mechanism of agricultural development in terms of strategic components of the integrated complex of influence on the development of the agricultural sector. It is determined that the implementation of strategic components of the institutional mechanism of agricultural sector development in terms of institutions and to achieve these priorities will form an institutional mechanism that meets the main criterion of its effectiveness - ensuring sustainable progressive development of the agricultural sector of the national economy.
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