Keywords: sales system, trade enterprise, business processes, adaptation model


The article substantiates the expediency of building a sales system of commercial enterprises, taking into account the rapid adaptation to changing factors of the unpredictable environment with visualization in the format of a business model. The urgency of creating a system of sales by commercial enterprises, which is mobile, quickly modified is to meet consumer demand for goods and services, provided the effective functioning of economic entities in different economic situations. The research methodology is based on the application of analysis and synthesis, comparison methods, graphical methods and relative values. Approaches to defining the sales system are considered and the concept of the studied definition as a set of business processes combined in the model, the implementation of which provides an opportunity to establish a zone of business growth and identify new vectors of development in different economic situations. The main indicators of Ukraine’s trade in 2016–2021 and January 2022 were studied, and the main trends in its development were identified with the help of designed sparklines in order to be used by business entities to form a sales system. The business model of the adaptation system of sales of trade enterprises according to the process approach with the selection of interconnected elements as a basis for determining development scenarios in different economic situations is built. Groups of main business processes (sales organization; seller-buyer relationship; service programs) in certain segments of the trading company with details of subprocesses and their possible application by vector of development in a stable competitive environment and vector of adaptation to its unexpected challenges. In both cases, a constant audit of the product portfolio is provided. The adaptive sales system is acceptable for use by commercial enterprises of various formats and sizes, selling goods and services according to the B2C model. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the developed model of the adaptive sales system for use by trade enterprises of different types in different target market segments for the organization of complex and simple sales.


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How to Cite
Kholod, S., & Pavlova, V. (2022). TRADE SALES SYSTEM: SEARCHING FOR THE BEST OPTION. Economy and Society, (37).