Keywords: human security, security concept, threats and dangers, security and protection of human capital


The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and development of the concept of human security around the world. The physical protection of the individual and the system of his/her general security in society are determined by the main components of the concept of human security. It is found out that the main factors hindering and inhibiting measures to strengthen the human security component are problems with the functioning of democratic institutions, underdeveloped economic and social systems, education and health systems, lack of legal awareness, high level of corruption, ongoing armed conflicts, etc. The dependence of the development and functioning of human capital in terms of human security from the standpoint of existing threats and sources of their occurrence is substantiated. The essence, significance of political, socio-economic, and information security of the individual are characterized, their influence on the formation of human capital security system is revealed. It is highlighted that in the concept of human capital functioning human security identifies the level of society’s democratization. Therefore, it plays the role of the basis underlying all processes related to the accumulation and reproduction of human capital, creating a favorable environment for its development, effective implementation of potential for achieving the goals of sustainable development of society in the future. From the standpoint of human socio-economic security, deepening socio-economic problems associated with the development of social institutions such as education and health, low levels of social protection of people in society further increase the dangers to human capital. The threat is growing not only for quality reproduction, when there are limited opportunities for personal and professional development, but also a real threat of undermining national security because of possible quantitative losses of human capital caused by migration and deteriorating demographics, demoralization of society, increasing social conflicts, undermining foundations for national economic development. Weakening of human information security creates dangers for high-quality reproduction and development of human capital because of limited access to information, violation of information rights and freedoms of people. The author suggests including a security component in all stages of human capital, which will strengthen the system of protection and preservation of human capital at the stages of its formation, reproduction, development and use.


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How to Cite
Kuznetsova, N. (2022). SECURITY COMPONENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL FUNCTIONING. Economy and Society, (37).