The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the investment and innovation activities of Ivano-Frankivsk region. For a comprehensive assessment of investment and innovation activities in Ivano-Frankivsk region, indicators characterizing the level of funding for research and development by sources and areas are analyzed. The structure of domestic investment in research and development by funding sources is analyzed. It is determined that the largest share of investments during 2015-2019 are funds from the state budget and funds of business sector organizations. The dynamics of domestic investment in research and development by funding sources showed that there was a decrease in investment from the local budget, and investment from the state budget tended to increase. It is proved that the largest share of investments falls on the purchase of machinery, equipment and software. The main source of investment in the innovative activities of enterprises in the region are the own funds of enterprises. With regard to basic research and scientific and technical (experimental development), there has been a reduction in the share of basic research, but the share of scientific and technical work in recent years has tended to increase. It is determined that the enterprises that most often innovate in production include enterprises whose activities are related to textile production, manufacture of wood products, paper production, printing, clothing and leather, and a significant share is related to mechanical engineering. And the companies that have invested the most in innovation include organizations whose activities are related to the manufacture of wood products and their processing, production of beverages, food, chemicals and chemicals. Investment and innovation activity in Ivano-Frankivsk region is in the process of its development. In general, the region is dominated by agricultural production, the share of industrial production is much lower. The decline in investment and innovation activity is primarily due to uncertain external conditions that affect the financing of entrepreneurial innovation.
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