Demand, awareness and demand of consumers is growing in direct proportion to the development and improvement of products and services. These processes will only deepen, increasingly moving into mental, psychological, sensory and other subjective criteria. Accelerating changes in the world leads to a reformatting of the consciousness and mental characteristics of all participants in business processes, which in turn causes a shift in focus on the ultimate goals of enterprises. Thus, centrism on consumers and their needs forms a new paradigm of enterprise activity, based on customer orientation as a cross-cutting idea of doing business. The main purpose of this study is to formulate a structural and functional approach to the formation of customer-oriented strategy of enterprise development on the basis of social responsibility. Scientific and technological development has led to faster and better satisfaction of consumer needs, making them more demanding and capricious. From now on, the main goal of companies that want to stay in the market for a long time and make a stable profit is to meet not only the existing but also the hidden needs of the consumer, which he may not have guessed, but they will inevitably arise later. This requires a thorough study of customers and requires extreme foresight from manufacturers. Thus, making the customer orientation of enterprises not only a new philosophy of their activities, but also the latest paradigm of doing business. Customer orientation is characterized by the permanence of all processes to acquire and maintain customer loyalty and consistency, which ensures high standards of work. Customer orientation is brought up in employees through educational and training programs, as well as through a well-established system of service quality control. The research methods used in the process of writing the article involve the use of general scientific and empirical techniques of economics, based on a systematic approach. In addition, general research methods such as generalizations and comparisons were used in the process. The object of research is the methodological aspects of formulating a structural and functional approach to the formation of customer-oriented development strategy. The article presents the author's vision of a structural and logical approach to the formation of a customer-oriented development strategy, which consists of several stages. The results of the study can be useful for further assessment of the level of customer orientation of enterprises of different levels and to adapt this methodological approach to the individual needs of the business.
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