Keywords: migration, agricultural state, food security, factor, legacy


Migration in rural areas – in particular the outflow of population - has a significant impact on rural development and the level of food security, poverty and agricultural production. The consequences of migration are felt both in the areas of origin and in the areas of destination of migrants. The study of migration in Ukraine is the subject of scientific research by a large cohort of scientists who focus on various aspects and manifestations of the process. At the same time, migration processes in terms of their impact on food security and agriculture require in-depth theoretical, methodological and empirical research, especially in wartime. The aim of the study is to establish the factors influencing migration on food security and agriculture. According to the results of the study: 1) substantiated the system of factors influencing population migration in the context of food potential, which includes a group of factors of internal (economic downturns and food policy) and external (climate change and pandemic) impact. At the same time, the factor of "conflicts and wars" is singled out in a separate block, as the most important, because the incitement of conflicts and their solutions are not natural but artificial – man-made – unlike pandemics and natural disasters, where change occurs slowly and over time. less and less dependent on the will of the people; 2) identified opportunities and problems of labor migration and socio-economic prospects of countries of origin; 3) the main relationships between migration and food security components (availability, access, use and stability) are established. It is established that the main consequences of labor migration in terms of food security include: first, the possibility of receiving remittances from migrant members of households, which leads to increased food consumption, as well as the likelihood of investment and diversification; secondly, the ability to obtain information, knowledge and skills from the migrant's new place of residence that influence their behavior; third, a reduction in the number of household members, which leads to both a reduction in consumption and a reduction in the availability of labor. These effects can be seen in all four dimensions of food security: availability, access, use and stability. However, since migration is largely a derivative of food insecurity and is directly subject to all factors, such as food security, it makes no sense to single out this process as a separate determinant in the field of food security.


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How to Cite
Pohorielova, O. (2022). IMPACT OF MIGRATION FOR FOOD SECURITY THAT STRONG STATE. Economy and Society, (37).