The functional essence and content of "outsourcing" and its use in the accounting field are generalized. The tendencies and existing problems of outsourcing in the field of accounting from the practical point of view and in view of insufficiently clear provisions of normative-legal regulation of such processes are systematized. The characteristic features of variable approaches to the transfer of accounting functions and preparation of financial statements to outsourcing companies are presented. Preconditions, problematic moments and restraining factors of introduction of outsourcing at domestic enterprises are outlined. Arguments about the recognition of these tools as an effective means of minimizing the costs of the enterprise are formulated and some additional advantages of its use in a crisis economy are given. The study systematizes the theoretical justifications, reveals the relevance and features of the application of accounting outsourcing by Ukrainian enterprises. The general approaches to an estimation of efficiency of its use through a context of economic expediency are resulted. Based on the processed sources of information, it is established that the largest segment of users of accounting outsourcing are small businesses with small paperwork and a small number of business transactions. Based on the study of trends and prerequisites for the development of accounting outsourcing, a conclusion was made about the growing interest in outsourcers and domestic enterprises of large and medium-sized businesses. The factor aspects of the use of accounting outsourcing are generalized and systematized, the analysis of which shows that the introduction of these tools improves the quality of the accounting system and is objectively a real tool for optimizing the costs of the enterprise. The crisis nature of modern economic processes and the diversion of funds by enterprises for measures to combat the pandemic have increased the importance of accounting outsourcing in terms of cost savings (economic efficiency). The general conclusion is that the use of accounting outsourcing should be considered an effective means of obtaining qualified accounting services.
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