Keywords: monitoring, analysis, projects, international technical assistance, donor


The article is devoted to the monitoring of international technical assistance projects. The article monitors international technical assistance projects with the participation of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. In the article the authors consider the procedures for attracting, using and monitoring international technical assistance in accordance with the legal framework of Ukraine. The article states that international technical assistance may be involved in the form of any property necessary to ensure the implementation of the tasks of projects (programs) that are imported or purchased in Ukraine; works and services; intellectual property rights; financial resources (grants) in national or foreign currency; other resources not prohibited by law, including scholarships and levels of the international technical assistance coordination system, namely the first level is the Partnership for Development forum, the second level is the strategic platform and the third level is the sectoral (intersectoral) working groups. The directions of providing international technical assistance for the analyzed period are studied, namely institutional capacity, budget transparency, fiscal risks, tax and customs system; support for small and medium enterprises; gender-oriented budgeting; reform of public sector banks; support for reforms in Ukraine; support for the development of information technology of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, support for accounting and auditing; improving the work of the public financial sector of Ukraine in the process of implementing structural reforms and approximation to the standards of the European Union. The article presents statistical data on the number of international technical assistance projects with the participation of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for 2019-2021. The projects of international technical assistance with the participation of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, Japan and Canada, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Union, the World Bank, the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands are considered.


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How to Cite
Sysoenko, I., & Karliuka, D. (2022). THE MONITORING OF INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS. Economy and Society, (37).