Keywords: tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business, information systems and technologies, automated programs, specialists, professional competencies


The article is devoted to the development of tourism and hotel and restaurant business as a special lever in the modern economy of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of training future professionals in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business to use information systems and technologies in professional activities. The dynamics of tourism and hotel and restaurant business is characterized by the introduction and use of many new information technologies: global computer search and reservation systems, integrated communications networks, multimedia systems, management information systems, etc., which have no impact on the operation and improvement spheres. That is why it is extremely important to improve the system of training future service professionals in accordance with international standards. This task is entrusted to higher education institutions, which must constantly update educational training programs for the needs of the modern labor market. The works of outstanding domestic scientists who studied the use of information systems and technologies in tourism and hotel and restaurant business, as well as the training of future professionals in certain areas are considered. The tasks of higher education institutions on the formation of a certain level of knowledge and skills in the use of information systems and technologies in future professionals in the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant business are highlighted. The system of values on which the professional activity of specialists in tourism and hotel and restaurant business is based and by means of which their knowledge and skills are integrated into practice is considered. The disciplines of educational programs for higher education in the specialties «Tourism» and «Hotel and Restaurant Business» of Zaporizhzhіa National University are characterized, which form professional competencies in the use of information systems and technologies in practice. Training of future specialists who will have skills in working with information systems and technologies will promote their competitiveness, as well as create a new impetus for the development of services and the economy of Ukraine as a whole.


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Sydoruk, A., & Omelianenko, H. (2022). CREATION OF A BRAND AS A MEANS OF FORMING THE TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE REGION. Economy and Society, (36).