Keywords: advertising, psychology of advertising, marketing activity, efficiency of advertising


The article considers the role of psychological effectiveness of advertising, which is manifested in the processes of processing advertising messages – emotions, thoughts, possible decisions that determine the specific behavioral situations of the consumer. Methods for determining the psychological effectiveness of advertising such as surveys, observations and experiments, which should be used for a particular means of advertising and depending on what effectiveness should be assessed: psychological, economic, communicative. One of the main tasks of the psychology of advertising – assessing the psychological effectiveness of advertising. The psychological effectiveness of advertising determines how effectively a particular advertising message conveys the necessary information to the target audience or forms the desired point of view for the advertiser about the advertised product or service. The main task of advertising should be to create images in consumers that in a competitive environment would encourage them to buy goods or services. It is determined that the most objective way to assess the impact of advertising a particular product or brand on the consumer is best in an experiment with the mandatory presentation of goods to consumers. In this case, the quality and characteristics of the product can be studied simultaneously with the characteristics of advertising. Thus, the effectiveness of advertising is measured taking into account the socio-psychological components that are key in the study of psychological effectiveness. These components determine a person's attitude to advertising, the effectiveness of which is influenced by the intellectual, cultural and professional level of consumers. Improving the effectiveness of advertising, its psychological impact is one of the urgent tasks to solve which requires the use of the latest research tools in accordance with the specific task. Studying the psychological portrait of a potential consumer will allow to make the right emphasis on the consumer qualities of the product or service and to create the most favorable conditions for the decision to purchase.


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