Keywords: potential, personnel management, personnel potential, personnel policy, preschool education institution, personnel management system


Personnel management is considered today as the basis of successful and efficient operation preschool educational institution. The PEI functioning efficiency is determined by an effective personnel policy in conditions of education modernization and a new development concept. But under the changing environment influence, there is a constant need for rapid changes in the human resources management system. It is extremely important to understand that personnel policy should provide conditions for the staff professional development. It should be noted that the personnel policy formation in preschool education has a number of features that are still insufficiently covered. The aim of the article is a thorough study modern areas of human resources development in preschool education, taking into account the today challenges. The article is devoted to the practical aspects of the preschool education human resources development. An important factor in effective personnel policy is a well-developed organization personnel management system as one of the effective ways to form an effective team based on the teamwork principles. The article examines the human resources concept as well as the role of the preschool educational institution head in the education modernization conditions and introduction the personnel management innovative methods. The main elements of the personnel management system are considered. The work principles of the preschool institution modern head are singled out. The preschool educational institution personnel management system includes a set of methods, procedures and techniques, implementing and improving which the organization provides itself with the necessary level of staff and influences its behaviours to achieve organizational goals. Personnel management technologies are described in detail, which can be divided into administrative, economic, organizational and socio-psychological. The choice of personnel management technologies is influenced by the resource’s availability as well as the presence of persons ready for change among the subjects of management.


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