The article substantiates the need to improve the regional aspect of the formation of foreign economic policy of the state as a prerequisite for further economic and political development of Ukraine. The development of state regulation of foreign economic activity at the regional level is considered. The peculiarities of the region as a subject of foreign trade activity are determined and characterized, in particular, it is established that the regional policy is developed and implemented at the regional level in accordance with the established development goals of the state as a whole. It was found that the regulation of foreign economic activity is divided into state and non-state according to the status of its subjects. The instruments of regulation of foreign economic relations at the regional level are classified, distinguishing such groups as administrative, tariff, non-tariff instruments, means of financial and organizational nature. Inter-municipal cooperation is assessed as one of the forms of horizontal interaction of local self-government bodies in the conditions of joint sustainable development. The scheme of normative-legal base of foreign economic activity of regions is developed, having singled out regional, state and international character of normative-legal acts. The classification and typification of regional foreign trade instruments based on the resource approach, which provides for the allocation of general economic and organizational measures, instruments for regulating international economic relations, labor resources of the region, as well as measures to regulate natural, land and environmental conditions at the regional level. The main directions of increasing the efficiency of regional foreign economic activity are highlighted. It is noted that an important task of state regulation of foreign economic activity is to support and stimulate the development of innovative export-oriented industries. The need to start the reorganization of foreign economic activity at the regional level, considering each region separately, taking into account all the factors influencing the foreign economic conditions of regional development.
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