Keywords: evolution, welfare theory, wealth, value, utility, consumer


economic and social well-being, taking into account the interrelated transformation of material and national wealth, level and quality of life within the new institutional information and innovation paradigm. The aim of the article is to study the evolution of scientific views on the content of the theory of welfare economics and focus on its specifics at the present stage of socio-economic relations in the context of global challenges. The need for the formation of new approaches as a result of rethinking the theory of welfare and correlation with the present has been identified. The process of formation of theories which tried to open essence of well-being, to reveal the mechanism of its creation is investigated. It is determined that the theory of well-being has evolved within and under the influence of a certain socio- philosophical position, which accompanied the specific socio-economic conditions of social development. Welfare theory has been found to be the result of the continuity of research, the reassessment of generalizations of the past, and the progress of present-day scientific guidelines. The chronological dependence of the development of the theory of welfare with the stages of development of economic thought is confirmed. It is substantiated that during the research period there was a transformation of the categories of individual, economic and social welfare, material and national wealth, level and quality of life. It is noted that in modern economic research, welfare is a combination of not only economic, social and environmental factors, but also organizational, legal, moral, ethical and political relations that successfully regulate the processes of life and harmonious development of society. The article argues that the transition from permanent to higher needs is evidence of the transformation of consciousness of members of society requires the development of a new approach to the study of processes and phenomena. The research methodology is based on a systematic understanding of the conditions and features of life and development of society, the main studies of foreign and domestic economic thought on the evolution of the theory of welfare economics in the transformational environment of a competitive environment. The method of generalization, chronological and methods of analysis and synthesis are applied. The practical value of the article is to supplement the theoretical and methodological basis of economic knowledge of society by studying the evolution of scientific views on the content of the theory of welfare economics and its specifics at the present stage of socio-economic relations in global challenges.


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How to Cite
Krot, L. (2020). EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC VIEWS ON THE CONCEPT OF THE THEORY OF WELL-BEING. Economy and Society, (22). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2020-22-73