Keywords: bank, income, interest income, commission income, analysis


Today, in the troubled times of the destruction of national and economic sovereignty, economic problems in the country require banks to increase the efficiency of banking. The leading role in solving this issue is given to the formation and regulation of revenues of the banking system of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the interest and commission income of a banking institution. The article is devoted to the analysis of interest and commission income of a banking institution. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the bank's income, the overall assessment of their level was carried out on the example of the joint-stock company "State Savings Bank of Ukraine". The analysis of the income structure was made for five years, namely 2017-2021, based on separate financial statements of the State Savings Bank of Ukraine and the report of the independent auditor for 2017-2020 and interim condensed separate separate financial statements for nine months, which ended on September 30, 2021. Structural and dynamic analysis was used for the analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the share of a particular type of income in the total amount. Dynamic analysis of the income of the joint-stock company "State Savings Bank of Ukraine" was applied to such interest income of the bank as interest on loans to customers, interest on investments, interest on funds in banks. Dynamic analysis of income of the State Savings Bank of Ukraine was applied to such commission income of the bank as plastic card transactions, settlement and cash transactions, foreign currency transactions, off-balance sheet transactions, securities transactions and other commission income. In the article, the authors provided recommendations for increasing the income of the joint-stock company "State Savings Bank of Ukraine", namely: the overall growth of the group of assets that bring interest income and growth of equity; increase in the share of profitable assets in total assets; change in the general level of interest rates on active operations of the bank; change in the structure of the portfolio of profitable assets, ie increase in the share of risky loans in the bank's loan portfolio provided at high interest rates; ensuring the growth of non-interest income.


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How to Cite
Sysoenko, I., & Karliuka, D. (2022). ANALYSIS OF INTEREST AND COMMISSION INCOME OF THE BANKING INSTITUTION. Economy and Society, (36).