• Yuliia Romanovska Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics
  • Maryna Skladaniuk Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: banking business, digitalization, innovation in banking, blockchain, sharing, open-banking, crowdfunding and cloud banking


In today's world, information technology is causing changes in all areas of development, starting with the business processes of all businesses. Digitalization in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of quarantine restrictions is an instrument of competitiveness of the banking sector. Digitalization is a generalized concept to denote the digital transformation of society and the economy, the translation of information into digital form. It brings new opportunities for business, citizens and the state as a whole. The introduction of digitalization in the banking sector will create the following benefits and new opportunities for users of banking services: rapid regular payments and transfers; receive information about the account status and payment history at any time without leaving home; saving time visiting bank branches. The introduction of the blockchain will open new opportunities for banks. The specificity of banks' activities necessitates constant reconciliation. An important step in the approach to digitalization is the introduction of the latest open-banking technology. Open-banking is a system, the essence of which is that banks open their application programming interfaces. The idea of implementing such an innovation is promising for Ukraine. The next technology that will open new opportunities for the banking industry is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a certain alternative to bank lending. The development of this phenomenon is quite promising, as this method is cheaper for entrepreneurs than getting a bank loan. active development of the banking sector is possible provided that banks cooperate with other financial institutions and use all possible innovative digitalized technologies. That is, a synergy must be created between banking and the information space. It is this coexistence that will enable the evolution of the banking sector, its adaptation to the needs of the "new" modern client and increase profits. Also, the experience of well-functioning banks during the pandemic is the key to the work of the entire banking system of Ukraine during the war, because the banking structure is the circulatory system of the entire economy.


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How to Cite
Romanovska, Y., & Skladaniuk, M. (2022). DIGITALIZATION OF THE BANKING SECTOR IN A PANDEMIC CONDITION. Economy and Society, (36).