The article is devoted to actual questions of organizational and economic basics of achievement and retention of competitive advantages in agrarian business. The article studies the essence and sources of competitive advantage in agricultural business. It is established that the source of competitive advantage of the enterprise may be a qualified work force, favorable conditions of production, new products or other innovations, significant reduction of production costs, high quality, optimal assortment to meet consumer demand, prices, their regulation, appropriate level of social responsibility and the like. Therefore, it is relevant to determine the key factors of success, taking into account both current and future conditions of functioning of the enterprise in the external environment. It was analyzed that in modern economic conditions a significant part of agricultural producers is characterized by insufficient level of both production and competitiveness of products and enterprise as a whole. Now the production activity of agricultural enterprises depends on how successfully the problems connected with competitiveness of products were solved. Only having solved this problem, agricultural producers can work effectively and develop under market conditions. It was substantiated that the main reasons for the insufficient level of consumption of some foodstuffs by the population are, on the one hand, the income of the population and prices of products, and, on the other hand, the volumes of production of high-quality agricultural products. The ways of formation of competitive advantages in the agro-food sphere are suggested, among which are: increasing the efficiency of using the available limited resources; searching for the possibility of diversification of products, activation of actions to control the quality of products; systematic reduction of production costs; analysis of factors contributing to achieving competitiveness, based on analysis of weaknesses and strengths of enterprise; emphasis of economic activity on the achievement of strategic goals of an agrarian enterprise, etc.
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