The article considers the problem of assessing the effectiveness of enterprise management. The internal state of the enterprise is an important factor in the effective operation of departments, analysis of its activities helps to identify further development, assess the state of the enterprise, adjust the chosen strategy and develop recommendations for further effective development of the enterprise. A number of tasks that need to be solved to achieve this goal are outlined: analysis of the internal environment, by quantifying internal factors and conducting SNW-analysis. It should be noted that the analysis of internal environmental factors can be considered as a set of methods, capabilities, sources and resources that can change the company's position and provide an opportunity to take a leading position in the market. The internal environment is considered as universal, independent of the organizational and legal form of the organization, and unites all functional areas of its activities. Each of these areas is characterized by the main components, which have a number of advantages and disadvantages. It is established that the key factors in assessing the internal state of the enterprise are: personnel, organizational, production, financial and marketing components. The elements of the internal environment for SNW analysis are general strategy business, strategy’s organizational structure, finance, product competitiveness, distribution, information technology, leadership, production level, marketing level, trademark, staff, market reputation, relations with government authorities, innovation, after-sales service, degree of vertical integration, corporate culture, strategic alliances. The application of the SNW methodology revealed a correspondence between the strategic plan and the company's internal capabilities and resources. Analysis of scientific literature and practice of quantitative assessment of internal factors and SNW-analysis shows the significant effectiveness of this method of assessment, which aims not only to improve the internal state of the enterprise, but is one of the main factors influencing the choice of effective strategy.
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