Keywords: management, development zones, insurance company, assessment, financial and economic condition, results, methodology


In conditions of high competition in the insurance market of Ukraine and in connection with the change of the regulator, the procedure for assessing the management of the financial results of the insurer's activities becomes especially relevant. The article analyzes the existing methods for assessing financial results in the activities of an insurance company and the state of their management. The analysis showed that among the existing methods there is no methodology that would take into account the peculiarities of the stage at which the company is located. Each stage of the evolutionary development of an enterprise is divided into zones: zones of progressive development (the formation stage and the innovative stage), the zone of dynamic stability and the zone of regressive development. And the company, getting into any of the zones on its development path, cannot but take into account the features that arise at this stage. The study gives a characteristic of each zone, defines the features of management. Further, a methodology is proposed with the help of which it became possible to determine the development zone in which the insurer is located, based on the method of regression analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the financial results of the insurance company in combination with other evaluation criteria. The technique allows to find out a specific set of necessary management actions to respond to a condition determined during the assessment. If an enterprise falls into a zone of its development determined by the methodology, it must first of all not only assess the current operational state, but also consider its tactics and strategy, taking into account the characteristics of the stage in which it is located. Also, the methodology makes it possible to get a recommendation which of the management personnel of the insurer should participate in the active implementation of changes in response to a certain state of development of the company. And here it is necessary to separate the contribution of management and marketing to the achievement of each specific financial result. And at each stage, this contribution will be different and will differ in the methods of influence and in the intensity of the impact on the company's activities. At the end of the article, it is shown how the developed methodology can be integrated into the overall process of managing the financial results of an insurance company, an example is given for a company that, according to the results of the assessment, fell into the zone of dynamic stability.


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