The article is devoted to the features of the accounting organization and methodological principles of audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at domestic enterprises. It is established that high-quality accounting of transactions with suppliers and contractors at the enterprise is an important tool in the system of economic relations, which promotes effective management decisions and achieve a high level of competitiveness in the international market. The process of preventing errors in settlements with suppliers and contractors in the company can provide a quality audit of accounting. The necessity of further research in the field of accounting and audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is substantiated. The main problems in the organization of accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors at the enterprise are determined. Settlements with suppliers and contractors are subject to proper documentation, recording of all transactions in chronological order in both synthetic and analytical accounting. Accounting for these calculations is one of the components of accounting, which in turn is a necessary and important link in the activities of any organization. The purpose, main tasks, information support, sequence of audit stages of settlements with suppliers and contractors and their documentation are determined. The main directions in the economic activity audited by the auditor during the audit of transactions with counterparties are studied. It is established that the typical errors identified by the auditor in the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors are: lack of contracts for the supply of products or their incorrect documentation; inconsistency of synthetic and analytical accounting data; incorrect correspondence of accounts; incomplete and untimely posting of valuables: incorrect determination of the amount of accounts payable; incomplete and untimely accounting of values, etc. It is proved that the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is an important tool in the management process of the organization, which allows to improve the quality of sound management decisions and effectively control the risks of economic activity.
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