The relevance of the study is due to the dependence of the progress of civilization on human intelligence and educational potential. As production becomes increasingly intelligent, global competition in finance and military technology is shifting to science, culture and education. Today, the knowledge, skills and professionalism of employees play an extraordinary role in strengthening innovation, improving corporate competitiveness, market value and profitability, and therefore play an extraordinary role in determining new prospects for dynamic growth and economic development. In this regard, human capital and intellectual resources, which are the basis of social development of any country, are the most worthy of study. Today, enterprises operate in new global economic areas, where major industrial changes are taking place. Effective use of knowledge and skills is the basis of the new economy. Organizations and society need highly competent employees, so increasing the quality of human capital is very important. Significant advantages of investing in human capital are increased production, services, quality, productivity, lower production costs, other innovations, high quality customer relations, increased competitiveness in the market, etc. It is investment in human capital contributes to intensive economic growth. The purpose of the study is to group indicators of socio-economic efficiency of investing in human capital and the formation of groups of indicators to assess the result. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks in the work used the following general and special methods: theoretical generalization – to determine the nature and development of the concept of intellectual capital and draw conclusions; comparative analysis – to study trends and prospects for the development of vocational training, the development of views on the process of investing in intelligence in the context of economics. The main focus is on the need to invest in the intelligence of employees, the origin of this concept in retrospect, which makes it possible to trace the importance of this process. Based on the results of the study, the author grouped the indicators for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of enterprise investment in human capital and identified indicators of investment intensity.
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