The article is devoted to the issues of creation and development of educational clusters as a new form of interaction in the international educational and scientific community. The preconditions for the creation of clusters were considered, in particular the role of globalization in these processes, which affects on the one hand the internationalization of higher education, and on the other hand, it produces risks of reducing the competitiveness of higher education institutions in the world markets of educational services. It was established that internationalization and international cooperation with foreign higher education institutions is becoming an additional factor in the country's image and a factor of competitiveness in foreign markets. Increasing human capital and improving the quality of life. The advantages, possibilities of educational clusters were characterized; in particular, the creation of international consortia, the operation of which creates opportunities, conditions and mechanisms for flexible response to the needs of the educational market, coordinates opportunities between consortium members in order to improve the quality of educational services and entry into the global educational environment. Possibilities to use transnational aspects of university interaction and to form network models of their cooperation in the international educational space are considered. One such form is creation of international consortia that operate on the basis of a single concept, the creation of opportunities, conditions and mechanisms for flexible response to the needs of the educational market, the development of coordination opportunities between participants, global markets for educational services. Cooperation within international consortia is carried out for educational and scientific purposes and will contribute to the formation of new requirements and standards for educational programs, implementation of national educational programs and educational components of the international standards of institutional partnerships. The creation of consortia also has an undeniable effect – increasing the level of access to higher education for various groups.
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