Keywords: innovation, innovation development, business entities, higher education institutions, innovation potential, innovation ability, innovation ability management


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of managing the innovative capacity of higher education institutions. The innovative ability of higher education institutions as a characteristic of innovative potential is considered. It has been identified that innovation capacity is one of the most important tools for increasing the level of economic development of both businesses and higher education institutions. It is determined that, given that innovation capacity is considered mainly at the enterprise level as a characteristic of the concept of «innovation potential», in modern science and practice there are no separate methods and methodological approaches to assessing the innovation capacity of business entities or institutions of higher education. education. This determines the feasibility of conducting research on methods of assessing innovation capacity. The main methods of assessing the innovation potential of economic entities are considered. It is determined that so far no single universal methodological basis has been developed not only for assessing the innovative capacity, but also for the innovative potential of neither business entities nor higher education institutions. It is concluded that none of the considered methods of assessing the innovative potential of enterprises can be considered universal and fully possible to assess their innovative ability and use at the level of higher education institutions. Emphasis is placed on the need for in-depth theoretical, practical and methodological research on research and development of improved methodological approach to assessing the innovative capacity of higher education institutions by combining of elements of individual methods with appropriate definition of innovation levels to economically interpret calculation results and compare evaluation results. The conclusion is made about the expediency of further research that the development of measures to increase the level of innovation capacity of free economic zones in accordance with their strategic goals and objectives.


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