The article is covered by research on the competitive situation in the construction market. The main methods of strategic analysis of the macro- and micro-department of the enterprise are characterized. Obviously, the applied aspect of their usage involves to take into account the enterprise’s type of activity and adapting to the specifics of the industry in which it operates. It was researched the global factors influencing the state of the construction’s competition, their content has been clarified in the context of the PEST analysis of the construction industry. The specificity of the construction industry is analyzed, which is determined both by the construction products’ technical and economic characteristics and the production process differences in construction area, and by the feature of the financial and economic indicators of construction enterprises. Cumulatively, they determine the high level of riskiness and unpredictability of this activity type. The main problems of studying the micro-department are clarified. Such an analysis should be clearly defined by the determination of the particular construction market’s geographical boundaries and the relationship between supply and demand of this region. This can be attributed to the moving impossibility of finished construction products to other regions when the competitive situation changes. The developer’s commitment to ensure the attractiveness of the real estate object entails a chaotic development of those areas where an accommodation is in a high demand and, accordingly, higher prices. The focus exceptionally on a current demand, without taking into account the duration of the operating cycle and forecasting changes in the market situation, can lead to significant price imbalances in the construction market. The competitive analysis is hampered by the significant number of competitors in the industry and the difficulty of their identifying. The usage of integrated Power BI software allows you to work with a large amounts of data effectively and carry out all stages of competitive analysis and present of its results with any level of information detail.
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