The Article considers theoretical approaches to the formation of the Management mechanism of the export potential of the Forestry Enterprise. The main principles influencing the process of forming the mechanism of export potential management of a forestry enterprise are analyzed and systematized. An algorithm that requires a number of stages before developing a mechanism for managing the export potential of the business entity in the process of foreign economic activity have been studied. Analyzing the theoretical and methodological aspects of the mechanism for managing the export potential of the forestry enterprise, it is necessary to implement new management models that will ensure the sustainable development of export activities, and accordingly must meet the following provisions; contains a set of interconnected structural levels, elements, methods and means of decision-making; include the institutional component of the export potential of the forestry enterprise; comprehensive coordination of state and corporate goals in this mechanism; should have a control system of the program-target block, which reflects the nature, severity and means of solving problems that require concentration and coordination of all levels of government and integrated resources and organizational support, as well as promptly adjust the characteristics of decision-making methods in export management the potential of the forestry enterprise provided by the feedback system, which should cover all hierarchical levels of management and support subsystems. The conceptual model of formation of the mechanism of management of export potential of the forestry enterprise is developed that gives the chance to define program-target methodology of management which will provide complex performance of tasks at all levels of functioning, will increase efficiency of administrative actions, connections that arise in this process. As follows, the main purpose of the mechanism for managing the export potential of the forestry enterprise is to achieve the economic effect that occurs through the analysis and control of export activities of the enterprise.
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