Keywords: financial economy, financial and economic analysis, comprehensive support, estimate, financial security


The purpose of writing this article is the necessity and importance of studying the relationship in the effective operation of the financial economy of a military unit and the results of the analysis of financial and economic activities. In modern conditions, it is very important to have full provision of needs, and for this it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study and determine all the factors and reasons that had a positive impact on the comprehensive provision and those that had a negative impact or a deterrent. This will provide an opportunity to make a rationale for the decision in order to eliminate negative factors and improve the results already achieved. In the future, this will serve as the basis for drawing up estimates and determining the directions of financial support. To determine the full need for funds, it is important to have information that would clearly indicate the important needs for each structural unit of the military unit. The solution to this problem can be achieved through the analysis of financial and economic activities. With its help, you can trace the dynamics, the trend of changes in any indicators, analyze the influence of factors and calculate unused reserves. An analysis of the latest research in this area has shown that this problem is only gaining relevance and still requires significant scientific developments. Each performance indicator depends on a variety of reasons and factors that can both have a positive impact and inhibit further improvement in the direction of comprehensive assurance analysis. Comprehensive and systematic analysis allows for a very thorough examination of each individual situation and its relationship with the entire complex as a whole. The given areas of work of the financial economy will be effectively implemented, based on specific calculations, which will make the results more accurate, and further plans justified. The article examines the importance of the financial economy of military units in the system of comprehensive provision of their needs. The directions of work of the financial economy have been determined. Attention is focused on the importance of the analysis of financial and economic activities in effective work at each stage, from planning to financial audit.


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