Keywords: pharmacy, competitive advantages, exogenous factors, endogenous factors, management of competitive advantages


The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the competitive advantages of modern pharmacies and their management. The authors note that competitive advantages are characteristics, properties of a product or brand that create certain advantages for the organization over its direct competitors. These characteristics may relate to the product itself, or to additional services, to forms of production, sales or sales specific to the organization or product. Their formation is influenced by the relevant factors of the macro- and microenvironment. The following groups of factors were exogenous: demographic, medical and environmental, economic, market, scientific and technical, political and socio-cultural. Endogenous were organizational-structural, technological, marketing and financial-economic groups of factors. Based on sociological research, modern scientists have found that extremely important for the formation of competitive advantages of the pharmacy is the presence of highly qualified staff, a wide range of goods, as well as the design of the trading floor. The paper also focuses on the competitive advantages of modern pharmacy chains. The authors noted that the management of competitive advantages should be understood as a conscious process of their formation in order to adapt the pharmacy to the requirements of the external environment and ensure its long-term success. In order to improve the process of managing competitive advantage, an algorithm for transforming the strengths of the pharmacy into competitive advantages was proposed. Its main stages were to identify the strengths of the pharmacy, assess the impact of the strengths of the pharmacy on its competitiveness, identify reasons for not turning the strengths of the pharmacy into competitive advantage, develop measures to transform strengths into competitive advantage of the pharmacy, assess internal resources and capabilities institution for the implementation of the event, the formulation of the competitive advantage of the pharmacy and the management of competitive advantages of the pharmacy.


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How to Cite
Gladkova, O., Bratishko, Y., & Derenska, Y. (2022). COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF PHARMACIES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (35).