The current characteristics of tracking the current challenges of globalization, which increase the impact on the national economy and its competitiveness, are substantiated. Changes in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy in the context of the impact of existing and potential consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, hybrid war, economic globalization, energy crisis, political instability, technological change, default, migration, demographic crisis, social tensions, environmental change. Definitely are at the level of individual countries, including Ukraine, a number of negative socio-economic trends caused by globalization challenges. Institutional and structural characteristics of the system of state regulation through the prism of counteracting globalization risks and threats and the implementation of strategic objectives to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy. The conceptual provisions of strengthening the economic security of the state through state regulation of modern challenges of globalization are generalized. The structural components of economic security of the state (macroeconomic, industrial, financial, investment and innovation, food, foreign economic, social, demographic, energy) are taken into account when substantiating the key characteristics of modern globalization challenges in the competitiveness of the national economy. Internal threats (shadowing of the economy, reduction of local production, imbalance of regional budgets and financial system in general, strengthening of import, energy and debt dependence, decline of cities and entire territories, deindustrialization and deterioration of quality of life) are identified. development of a system to ensure its competitiveness. It was stressed that such threats have powerful negative consequences not only for the development of the national economy, but also for the national security of Ukraine in general. It is concluded that the state policy in the field of strengthening the competitiveness of the national economy should be systematic, comprehensive and effectively counteract the looming globalization challenges.
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