The article is devoted to current problems of the agricultural sector and the development of farming in Ukrainian economic thought. The development of agriculture in Ukraine is considered. It was found that during the reform of agriculture an extremely important result was achieved - the diversity of agricultural producers. As a result, agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership, and in particular farms, received the right to live. Features and functions of farms are revealed. It is investigated that the main factor of agricultural production is land. Legal aspects of land use in farms are regulated by the Land Codes of Ukraine. It is established that land is an object of market, commodity relations and has a market value, which allows to form the institution of effective owners, create favorable conditions for attracting investment for agricultural development, form a modern market infrastructure of the economy as a whole. Today, there are many supporters of giving land to farmers in private ownership, but at the same time, many scholars are proving the benefits of transferring land to farmers on lease. Based on the generalization of the works of domestic scientists and our research, we can identify the benefits of providing land in private ownership and lease for modern farmers. Therefore, farms are formed at the expense of both own and leased land. However, all other things being equal, most people prefer ownership to rent. The organizational and economic bases of creation and effective activity of farms are also substantiated. The main ways of effective development of farms in Ukraine are identified. Generalizations of research of domestic scientists allow us to identify ways out of this situation for the development of material and technical base of farms to the level of capital security of developed countries. First of all, Ukraine needs to develop domestic engineering, which will produce high-quality small and medium-sized tractors and agricultural machinery at much cheaper prices than foreign counterparts. At the same time, leasing, which provides the necessary technical potential for highly productive production, should be of great importance for modern farmers. Leasing is the lease of material and technical means necessary for the operation of a farm.
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