Keywords: tourist flows, inbound flows, outbound flows, domestic flows, post-Soviet countries, neighbor countries, foreign countries


The article reveals the state and trends of development of the tourism industry in Ukraine and the dynamic development of its specific type – outbound tourism. The dynamics of tourist flows of Ukrainian citizens traveling abroad is characterized. The composition of foreign countries to which citizens of Ukraine travelled for different purposes was studied. The zonal features of the formation of tourist flows and the European and Asian main world regions of pilgrimage are considered. Tourism, in modern conditions, is extremely dynamic in both domestic and international tourism markets. In Ukraine only in the last few years, the number of tourists traveling abroad and traveling abroad for religious and educational purposes has increased significantly. The main routes of such trips were to Israel, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive description of the development of various aspects and types of tourism and the regional features of its development in Ukraine. The goal of the article was to study the current state and trends in the development of tourist flows and certain types of tourism in Ukraine: to identify the purpose of departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad and the geography of their trips. Every year many tourists visit Ukraine and their number is constantly growing. Trends in the development of certain types of tourism are multidirectional: the number of outbound tourists is growing rapidly, domestic – is significantly reduced, inbound – is slowly declining. The total number of all tourists in Ukraine changes cyclically, having five-year cycles with peaks in 2003, 2008, 2013. Due to outbound tourists there is a sharp rise in the total number of tourists – 1.6 times in 2018 and 2.2 times in 2019. The structural composition of tourists is not homogeneous: it has flows of domestic, incoming and outgoing tourists, which is very different in the areas of Ukraine. The basis of foreign trips are tourists from post-Soviet countries and the neighbor countries. Russia is the most popular among post-Soviet countries, Poland among neighbor countries, and Italy among foreign countries (30%). The purpose of travel of Ukrainian citizens abroad is different, the main ones are: private and business trips and organized tourism. The geography of foreign routes covered all countries of Europe and the Middle East.


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How to Cite
Tarasova, V., & Kovalevska, I. (2020). REGIONAL FEATURES OF OUTBOUND TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (22).