The research article examines the features of green tourism development, analyzes it and evaluates it as an element of entrepreneurship in the Transcarpathian region, because tourism is an important component of each country, as tourism sector works closely with other industries, attracting investment resources, strengthening revenue budget, improving the country's balance of payments, and contributes to sustainable economic growth and welfare. In many villages of the Transcarpathian region, the population is currently declining, and mass labor migration is growing. The development of green tourism will have a positive effect on the sad trend of unemployment in Ukrainian villages, may increase material well-being and partially solve the problems of rural employment. The article analyzes and systematizes the limiting and generating factors of green tourism development in the region, developed tourist zoning of green tourism in order to identify priority tourist areas for its development. It is important for the Transcarpathian region to explore and realize the existing rich tourism potential by implementing a balanced national regulatory policy for small business development, including at the regional level. Today, scientific confirmation of the status and role of green tourism in the socio-economic priority system of regional and local development is also extremely important. The development of green tourism in the rural areas of the Transcarpathian region should be a catalyst for economic restructuring, ensuring the stability of the population and solving pressing social and economic problems in rural areas. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the peculiarities of the development of green tourism, to provide an analytical assessment of its planning aspects and organization as an element of entrepreneurship in the Transcarpathian region. The article outlines the main areas of improvement for further monitoring of the prospects for green tourism in the region. Research has concluded that green tourism can be seen as an integral part of the comprehensive social and economic development of rural areas and as a means of addressing the rural population, especially employment through tourism enterprises. As an element of the enterprise, green tourism plays a significant role not only in the development of territorial communities in rural areas but in the development of the region as a whole.
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