The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of using methods for assessing the probability of bankruptcy in the development of crisis management in domestic enterprises. To achieve the goals of the work, the following methods of assessing and predicting the probability of bankruptcy were used: 1) the Altman Z-score; 2) R. Lis's model; 3) the Taffler Z-Score model; 4) Credit-men method of J. Depalyan); 5) O. Tereshchenko’s model. The results of the study allowed to conclude that in 2018 the financial condition of the company is positive and the probability of bankruptcy is low, in 2019 the financial condition of the company is of concern, so there is a fairly high probability of bankruptcy, the reasons for the deterioration of the financial condition of the company is the macroeconomic instability of Ukraine, due to the presence of a significant amount of public debt introducing (but not implementing) reforms aimed at economic growth and ensuring a liberalized and stable economic environment; due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, measures were taken that negatively affected the company's operations and caused supply chain deviations, suspension of production, reduced demand and personnel quarantine. In 2020 compared to 2019, the financial condition of the company is improving, but there is still a threat of bankruptcy, the reasons for this situation at the company were: the continuation of the pandemic COVID-19, which significantly affected the economy of the country, but despite the pandemic РJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" company operates in the sectors that experienced the least impact of COVID-19, so the consequences of the pandemic at the company have not become so significant, which allowed the company to improve its financial condition.
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