Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, hotel business, methodological approaches, SWOT analysis, efficiency


The article is devoted to methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, since such an assessment is necessary to justify current and strategic decisions in the company's activities. Assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises is the basis for the formation of further scenarios, plans, development strategies and obtaining new competitive advantages in the market. It is noted that there is no single methodology for assessing competitiveness that would be used, since the interpretation of the very concept of competitiveness is ambiguous, and there are different levels of competitiveness and industries that require diagnostics. It is noted that each of the methods for assessing competitiveness uses a special set of factors and analyzed variables, to take into account the sectoral characteristics of the activities of economic entities in various methods, researchers are allowed to choose the number of variables to be analyzed; when combining several methods, conflicting results can be obtained, and this should be taken into account by the researcher. It is noteworthy that when assessing the competitiveness of hotel enterprises, it is important to take into account the features of the intangible nature of their activities. Hotel enterprises belong to the service sector, because the result of their activities is temporary accommodation services with mandatory maintenance. Research shows that one of the common strategic management tools used at the initial stages to assess the competitiveness of an enterprise is a SWOT analysis. Its use allows you to systematize the available information about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as its opportunities and threats, which allows you to further conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise. The work carried out SWOT – an analysis of the activities of an enterprise related to the hotel business. It allowed structuring the main opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of its activities. Based on the scoring, it was noted that the strengths of the enterprise under study prevail, and threats have a significant impact, given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.


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