Keywords: costs, cost management, planning, organizing, motivating, controlling, risks


The article is devoted to topical issues of cost management at modern enterprises in unstable conditions of economic relations. The theoretical and methodological bases of the research are scientific works of researchers on the cost management taking into account the uncertainty and unpredictability of the enterprise environment. General scientific methods of research were used in the article such as theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, abstract and logical methods. The importance of cost management taking into account the impact of risk factors is clarified. Management functions in the context of cost management are considered. Planning, organizing, motivating and controlling are highlighted as the main functions of enterprise management in general and cost management in particular. The main classification features and types of costs that should be taken into account when performing cost management functions, as well as the possible risks associated with the future enterprise activity are showed. The importance of planning production costs in conditions of uncertainty is described. It is emphasised on the need to identify potential risks during the planning process and study the extent of their impact on costs. It is noted that the organizing should ensure a combination of all components of the production and economic activities of the enterprise in space and time. Organizational risks related to mistakes made by employees of the enterprise or shortcomings of the enterprise management structure are identified. The risks associated with the motivation of the company's staff are determined. Qualitative risks relate to the needs, incentives and motives of employees, as well as quantitative risks relate to the provision of resources. Controlling that provides feedback and allows to monitor the use of resources, costs and performance of the enterprise is investigated. It is established that the lack of effective and comprehensive system for monitoring deviations in the implementation of management decisions can cause certain risks. It is important to make managerial decisions on costs taking into account the probability of risks that prevent the expected course of events and achieving desired results.


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How to Cite
Kostetska, N. (2021). COST MANAGEMENT AT ENTERPRISES IN CONDITIONS OF RISK. Economy and Society, (34).