Keywords: evaluation, quality, management functions, restaurant business


The peculiarity of the functioning of the restaurant business in economic and social manifestations is to ensure the quality of life of the population by meeting physiological needs. The effectiveness of any restaurant business depends on many factors, which include competitive positioning, specifics and technology of creating a restaurant brand, which will ensure high customer loyalty, defining clear strategic prospects for development, optimal financial and marketing activities. Significant dynamism and uncertainty of the current socio-economic environment, increasing competition in the consumer market require the management of the restaurant business new creative management decisions to ensure effective operation and sustainable development. The escalation of the pandemic and the oscillating lockdown are creating a depressing mood in the restaurant business. The realities of further uncertainty require the transformation of the restaurant's business environment and the strengthening of staff competencies suitable for anti-crisis response. However, the success of the restaurant business depends on the efficiency of business processes, which requires the formation of new approaches to assessing the quality of management functions. Assessing the quality of management should become an integral part of process management in the restaurant business, which in turn will reorient the target criteria, give new meaning to management functions and outline vectors for improving business processes of service enterprises, which will contribute to their main business goals. The proposed methodological approach involves determining the tools for assessing the levels of management quality and their impact on the overall state of management quality in a particular enterprise industry. The grouped results of expert assessments of the quality of management functions in the surveyed enterprises allow to obtain a more accurate picture of the state of management work. The most competent and timely assessment of the quality of management will allow restaurant businesses to develop a set of operational management decisions and build a philosophy of future management tactics.


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How to Cite
Bedradina, G., & Mostova, K. (2021). EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AT RESTAURANT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-43