The article is devoted to topical issues of formation of indicators of assessment of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture. Despite the significant number of publications, some questions regarding the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of indicators for assessing the sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture have not yet been covered and need research. Therefore, the main objectives of this publication are to reveal the theoretical and methodological features of the construction of indicators that characterize the process of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture. To solve this goal, methodological approaches to their formation were analyzed and systematized, and on their basis the main algorithm for calculating indicators for assessing the sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture was presented. These indicators are divided into separate blocks into economic, social and environmental, which make it possible to clearly separate the individual indicators of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture by their types and ultimate goals. In addition, the whole system of evaluation indicators is divided into five stages. At the first stage, the main indicators for economic, social and environmental blocks are formed. On the second – the basic indicators of sustainable development are calculated. At the third stage, three main indices of sustainable development are calculated for each individual block of indicators. At the fourth stage, these indices form a separate index for each of the blocks – indices of economic, social and environmental development of entrepreneurship. In the fifth stage, based on preliminary calculations, the general index of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture is determined. This approach to calculations will allow a clear division and systematization of all indicators, improve the calculation system, and identify weaknesses and problems. In addition, the system of distribution of assessment of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in agriculture by blocks and stages will quickly respond to the situation and direct the activities of entrepreneurship in the system of sustainable development with the implementation of specific objectives of this process.
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