Keywords: bank, marketing, banking services, banking marketing, profitability


Modern the banking sector is developing in the context of the financial crisis and increased competition between banks, the urgent issue is to build an effective system of management, attracting and retaining customers. Under the conditions of competition in the banking market the majority of Ukraine banks began to seek new ways to increase competitiveness. One of the most effective measures is the use of marketing technologies that ensure the search and use of the most profitable markets, banking products, taking into account the real needs of customers. The article considers the main tasks, goals and specific features of banking marketing. The main purpose of banking marketing is the maximum speed of service provision, timely satisfaction of consumer needs and minimization of risks in the bank's activities. It is determined that bank marketing is a process which involves the production planning of banking product, researching the financial market, establishing communications, pricing, organization, promotion of Bank’s product and service deployment of the banking services. A current state, the structure and dynamics of the main indicators of the development of the banking system of Ukraine have been studied. One of the most popular marketing tools used by banks to attract customers is the mobile channel – mobile banking, cross-channel integration, mobile payments and wallets, voice services, cross-selling, mobile advertising, personal messaging, application stores and more. Recently, Social Media, which is the largest channel used to collect data on consumers of banking services and attract new customers, has become increasingly important. Based on the research, we conclude that bank marketing tools are rapidly developing. To foster the competition of banks, they should implement the customer-focused marketing policy. For this the Ukraine banks should develop and adapt the existing marketing tools used by abroad. Thus banking marketing creates a competitive advantage of banking services based on the needs of certain customers; increases efficiency and reduces the risk of banking.


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How to Cite
Sukach, O., & Syvolap, Y. (2020). MARKETING TOOLS IN THE BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (22).