Keywords: positioning of the company, competitors, positioning factors, competitiveness


Today, a company's success is largely determined by its ability to quickly respond to market changes. Consumer demand, growing competition, and the dynamism of the market itself determine the frequency of updating the product line. The speed (or, more precisely, the frequency) of the appearance of new products becomes a decisive factor in the competitive struggle. When analyzing the activities of an enterprise, a significant role belongs to such a concept as a “new product”. After all, this category is one of the key in the competition for the consumer. Modern competition creates harsh conditions for the existence of enterprises in the market. Only those market players survive who have assessed their advantages and correctly determined their positioning in the market. Competitive position in the market is largely determined by the positioning of the product, which reflects the value of the product, created in the minds of the target audience. Modern companies need to be able to quickly adapt to changing market conditions. To date, the greatest difficulty in the process of developing a positioning strategy is the correct assessment and understanding of the company's competitive advantages, as well as the further development of measures aimed at strengthening the competitive position in the sales market, increasing the efficiency of the company. The article reveals the main marketing approaches to increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the positioning of domestic enterprises in the foreign market are analyzed, the main phases of the firm's positioning strategy are identified. It is proved that the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy of positioning a new product on the market is possible with active work on initial research on the perception of the product by a potential target audience. Today, any company whose goal is a long-term existence in the market understands the need to update and modernize the product range, taking into account consumer demand. Therefore, the importance of considering the topic of launching a new product of companies and its further promotion is due to the fact that with a change in the behavioral model, the strategy for promoting the product also changes. We have found that a new product in the market needs proper positioning, as it adds value to the product, provides an opportunity to gain a favorable position in the market, allows you to clearly identify it, increases the level of loyalty and trust, and also strengthens the brand image.


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How to Cite
Katsemir, Y. (2021). POSITIONING OF THE ENTERPRISE ON THE FOREIGN MARKET. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-31