Keywords: supply chain, cargo consolidation, transport costs, air transportation, efficiency


The article considers the problems of world logistics, in the context of reducing the reliability of transportation and increasing transit time using sea and rail transport. The growing role of air transportation has been identified, as a result of which there is a problem of additional costs for enterprises compared to other modes of transport, which forces us to look for more cost-effective delivery options. Against this background, there is a need to find new ways to develop the transport and logistics complex of Ukraine, due to a number of old problems and new challenges related to the pandemic, unstable political and economic situation in the country and the war. Effective organization of domestic transit and export-import freight routes requires organizational, structural, legal, technical-innovative and informative renewal. Currently, the role of comprehensive consideration of logistics solutions is growing, the rationality of which can no longer be considered only in the economic dimension (costs, profits, payback period). The concept of cargo consolidation is considered and the effectiveness of this process through increasing economic benefits and strengthening the environmental and social impact for supply chain participants and society is proved. In the context of sustainable development management, the achievement of a three-dimensional effect from the implementation of this concept is shown and the main directions of overcoming the problems of consolidated cargo delivery in terms of regulatory framework, information and transport systems are explored. In terms of air deliveries, the potential of logistics infrastructure and airports of Ukraine is considered and the feasibility of building cargo delivery schemes by air transport using Danylo Halytsky International Airport (Lviv) and Kharkiv International Airport, as well as European airports named after Friedrich Chopin International Airport. ) and MA Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt) with increasing demand for air cargo delivery. Based on this proposal, a diagram of possible consolidation of goods at different stages of delivery is given. The economic feasibility of batch consolidation (cargo consolidation) due to the use of variable tariffs based on cargo weight has been studied.


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How to Cite
Nakonechna, T., & Kishchuk, V. (2021). EFFICIENCY OF CARGO CONSOLIDATION IN AIR TRANSPORTATION. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-37