Keywords: responsibility, sources, tools, social entrepreneurship, society, financing


The article is devoted to the problem of social entrepreneurship as a factor in achieving the stability of business entities. It has been studied that managers of social enterprises choose the most optimal organizational and legal form for conducting business based on the peculiarities of its conduct. The main sources of funding for social entrepreneurship are highlighted: tenders, grants, direct state aid, state orders, state support, business support. The main drawback of the listed sources of funding for social entrepreneurship is their fragmentation. The goals of social investment can be: combating poverty and inequality, solving environmental problems, improving people's living conditions, developing education and supporting social elevators, cultural, intellectual and moral development of civil society. We can note the following features as criteria for social entrepreneurship: the first - the social effect of the enterprise's work is based on its main activity; the second is the use of innovative methods of development and solving social problems; the third is sufficient financial stability in the development of the company, which allows it to be separated from a non-profit organization that exists only on grant donations and pays full attention to fundraising; fourth - the democratic nature of the management of this enterprise is so mandatory when considering issues of financing social enterprises. If traditional investment in social projects relied on private philanthropists and charitable donations, financing new projects without providing further support (the object of aid is non-governmental organizations; financing is aimed at increasing the volumetric indicators of social activity), then the new paradigm involves inclusion in the investment process various state and private financial institutions; investment capital is designed to finance long-term development; the object of investment can be any social enterprise or entrepreneur; investments aimed at social impact; the financial approach ensures self-financing and sustainability of the enterprise. It is quite justified that the specified distinctive features are not found everywhere, but they cannot be considered insignificant. At the stage of the development of the welfare state, society increasingly strives to support socially significant projects, enterprises and organizations that pursue humanitarian goals in their activities, namely, to ensure the employment of socially vulnerable categories of citizens, who contribute to the sale of their products, themselves produce goods for socially vulnerable groups or carry out activities aimed at achieving socially useful goals, contribute to solving social problems of citizens and society as a whole.


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How to Cite
Plysa , V., Tsiupka , A., & Muntian, B. (2024). FINANCING TOOLS OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (61).